Home Emergency Insurance - 3 Reasons to Have Rapid Response Plans


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Home emergency insurance protects your property against events such as burst pipes, blocked pipes, electric failure or broken appliances. It will only cover the expense of repair work done to your property but will not cover the full cost of repairing damages caused by your own emergency. You will, however, need contents coverage for this. Contents insurance is a must, whether you own your house outright or are renting it. To get the best deal for home emergency cover click here.

Some people think they do not need home emergency insurance cover because their home is usually self-evident. However, even if you live in an insulated, air-conditioned, fireproof property, there are disasters such as floods, earthquakes and fires that can strike at any time. Dangerous flooding from overflowing water can cut your home and force you to leave without shelter. Similarly, fires can break out in your home without warning. Dangerous electrical shocks can occur while washing clothes or fixing dinner. Dangerous gases can leak from heating systems and appliances can malfunction.

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No home emergency insurance policy covers damage caused by acts of God. If a tree falls on your home, for example, you will not be protected unless the roof is replaced. Your insurer will not pay to repair windows or doors damaged by a burst pipe or electric short circuit. Similarly, if a dog bites your cat, it will not cover your liability damages in the event of death or serious injury to a person. Floods and earthquakes will not usually pay for damages to your home. However, these exclusions are not set in stone.

Most home insurance policies will exclude coverage for damage caused by acts of war or terrorism. This exclusion may also apply to natural disasters like fire, hurricanes, or tornadoes. It is important to carefully read the terms of your existing home insurance policy to determine whether it will provide you with home emergency insurance cover. You should not assume that your existing policy will provide you with all of the protection you need. It is often best to shop around for more coverage and a better value.

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Certain plumbing emergencies are covered under a special home emergency cover called "Flooding". In this type of emergency, your insurer will pay up to two thousand five hundred dollars (that's about $2,500) for both replacement costs of your home structure, as well as the cost of restoring your house to its pre-incident condition. This type of flood insurance is typically required for mortgages, but you can often purchase it separately as well. With a Flood policy, the policy will cover both the structure and the plumbing of your home. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.

Your plumbing is not covered as part of general home insurance. You will need to have specialized flood insurance to have flood damage covered. Certain pipes such as your toilets, septic systems, and hot water heaters are typically covered through a separate policy. You should carefully review your policy to identify the plumbing within your building that will be covered. There may be separate policies for your kitchen and bathroom, for example.

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Another reason to purchase this kind of cover is when something goes wrong with your electrical system. In many cases, this is covered by your cell phone or other mobile devices. In these situations, you should make sure that you have a rapid response plan in place. Your homeowner's insurance should give you a copy of a map that shows the exact locations of your closest emergency stations. Make sure you have a rapid response plan in place before you have a problem with your electricity.

As a final note, home emergency cover can also help cover your medical bills when you suffer a loss of income due to damage to your home. This may include damage to your vehicle, water damage, loss of your home, or death in your home. This is a special type of injury or death insurance which covers only those three. In most cases, you will pay more for the injury or death coverage, but it is well worth the investment because it protects you in the event of a disaster.